get curious, be auroral

Sunday 16 August 2015

disregard wenches, acquire currency

Some/many/all/idk of you would have just had to go through the ordeal that is results day. So did I. Luckily, I managed to get through the gates of hell with 3A*'s and an A, so I am pretty chuffed with that (and breathe).

As was to be expected, thursday night, the night of the unveiling, was not to be like any average to poor thursday night- it was to be glorious. 

And yes, it was indeed 'glorious', I had a good time: I drank, I danced, I drank some more, and shook off the blood, sweat and tears of the past A Level year. 

So the point of this post is not to give you a blow by blow account of how many drinks I had, what I wore, or how 'omg m3ntal' the night was- but is actually a tribute to 3 of my favourite parday tunes at the moment, which I hope will come of use to you this summer. 

My advice, always play loudly- playing dance music quietly is a heinous sin and should never be encouraged. 

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