get curious, be auroral

Monday 3 August 2015

What's up weekly

Aurora reads...

STONER- John Williams 
you have to read this, you just have to at least once in your life.

Aurora listens to...

I used to be absolutely obsessed with Eliza Doolittle when I was 13, so I guess it's kinda cyclical I'm rediscovering it now when I have a slightly clearer idea of 'me'. 'Back to front' is a personal fave, and of course, 'Skinny Genes'.

Aurora watches...

Coincidence with the Eliza above I think- My Fair Lady is a very watchable, timeless classic. If you haven't seen it, you better watch it a$ap

Aurora ART...

Toulouse Lautrec- The Kiss
Maybe I'm just being a hopeless romantic, maybe I'm just a sucker for intimate moments captured, but I adore this painting- the sketchy brushstrokes make it look like the pair have just fallen onto the bed; I just love the instantaneity of it.

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